Words Matter: The Ripple Effect of Our Language


Words Matter design

I’ve always believed that people should be kinder to each other and that words carry immense power. Raising awareness about how we communicate with one another is something I feel strongly about. Recently, I came across a video that reaffirmed this belief, and I wanted to share this important message with you: Words Matter.

What reel?

Here’s the video that caught my attention: https://www.facebook.com/reel/848838027195993
If you don’t have Facebook, you can find the same video on YouTube:


What’s the video about?

In short, the woman explains that you shouldn’t comment on something unless it’s something the person can change within 30 seconds. Some things can’t be changed quickly, or sometimes ever.

Why Do Words Matter?

Words, whether positive or negative, have a significant impact. They can resonate for years, sometimes even for a lifetime. Positive words can brighten someone’s day, while negative words—especially deeply personal ones—can leave lasting scars.

This impact is not limited to children. Adults, too, are affected by the words they hear and say. Whether in the workplace, at home, or in social settings, our words shape relationships and influence how others perceive themselves. Adults should be just as mindful of their language, as our words can carry a weight that may lead to feelings of inadequacy, hurt, or even lifelong insecurities.

Examples (some well known):

  • The fish that was told it couldn’t climb trees. This poor creature might spend its entire life believing it isn’t capable of anything. Such negative comments can leave lasting scars and lead to a lack of self-worth. It’s crucial to remember that everyone has their unique strengths and weaknesses.

  • The story of the ugly duckling. Born different from its siblings, the ugly duckling was constantly ridiculed and made to feel inferior. It wasn't until it grew into a beautiful swan that it realized its true worth. This tale highlights how hurtful words can distort someone's self-image and keep them from recognizing their potential.

  • A young girl who was constantly told she wasn’t good at math. Over time, she began to believe it and stopped trying altogether, missing out on opportunities to excel in a subject that could have brought her great success. This illustrates how negative words can undermine someone's confidence and potential, often leading to self-doubt.


“Yeah, yeah, but what about Freedom of Speech?”

Yes, freedom of speech exists, but that doesn’t mean you can say anything you want without considering the consequences. Many confuse this right with the idea that they can just say whatever comes to mind, including insults, or even worse: curses or threats. 

For example, if you dislike a new song from an artist, consider keeping your opinion to yourself. There are plenty of people who enjoy it, and your negativity doesn't add value to the conversation.

Not expressing every thought doesn’t make one a hypocrite.

Choosing not to express every thought doesn't make one a hypocrite; in fact, it can demonstrate wisdom and emotional intelligence. The saying "Speech is silver, silence is golden" reminds us that there is value in silence. By holding back, you often prioritize harmony and understanding over unnecessary conflict. This thoughtful restraint shows respect for others' feelings and a commitment to fostering positive interactions. Sometimes, silence can be more powerful and meaningful than words.

Reflect before you act

When it comes to negative comments, ask yourself first:

How would I feel if someone said that about me?

If you're angry about something, take a moment to calm down and think it through. Acting out of emotion can lead to hurtful words that you might regret later.

Consider whether your negative opinion is necessary and if it truly contributes to the discussion.

Don’t get me wrong

I’m not saying you should stay silent if something bothers you. If you feel the need to speak up, do it respectfully and thoughtfully. There’s no need to humiliate someone in public or vent out of frustration. If you have an issue with someone, approach them one-on-one, and be direct, but kind.

A good way to start could be, “Hey, something is bothering me. Can I be honest with you?” This opens the door for a mature conversation and gives the other person a chance to reflect. Often, people don’t realize their words or actions are hurtful. Instead of assuming the worst, clear things up before jumping to conclusions.

Words are powerful tools, and we all have a responsibility to use them wisely. Whether it's in personal conversations or online interactions, a little thought before speaking can go a long way. It’s not about staying silent. It's about being mindful of the impact our words might have.

The impact of words extends beyond just children. 

Children often may not realize the weight of their words. A simple compliment from a teacher, such as “You did a great job on that project!” can boost a child's confidence and inspire them to take on new challenges. Conversely, a careless comment, like the example mentioned before: “You’re not good at math” can discourage a child and lead them to believe they will never succeed in that subject, potentially affecting their academic journey for years. They might not fully grasp how their words affect others, which makes it all the more crucial for adults to guide them. 
Adults, on the other hand, are generally expected to be more mindful of their words. However, there are still exceptions. In the workplace, constructive feedback can motivate an employee to improve, while harsh criticism can create a hostile environment, affecting team morale. An adult may recall an insensitive comment from a peer or a boss long after the moment has passed, impacting their self-esteem and work performance. Adults should be more aware of their language, recognizing that their words can create a ripple effect that influences not just the immediate recipient but also the broader environment.


A simple design, a powerful reminder

To help spread this message, I created a text design called “Words Matter”. It's a visual reminder that we all need to think before we speak.

I deliberately chose to make it in cheerful colours and not to make the text too obvious. So that people take a good look and perhaps it gets through better. The blobs sometimes look as circles in the water. Like when you drop a stone in it, circles form. A ripple effect...

Discover the products with the "Words Matter" Design

Available on various products in my stores, it’s a perfect way to carry the message of kindness and awareness with you every day.

Explore the collection in my:





Spread the Word

Let’s work together to make today’s society a little kinder. Help me spread this message and raise awareness. Your words matter—use them wisely.

Consider using a hashtag like #WordsMatter or #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak when sharing the message on social media.

Thanks in advance!

Raise Awareness on Pinterest

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