10 Things to notice instead of only the Looks:


Look behind the Looks design

In our society, we often do not look beyond appearance. Often a person will be, consciously or unconsciously, immediately judged based on their appearance. This can lead to wrong conclusions and underestimation.


There is nothing wrong with a beautiful appearance.

Beauty, in all its forms, deserves appreciation. Whether someone is blessed with an beautiful appearance or not, recognizing physical attractiveness should not be the basis for complete assessment. A beautiful appearance can evoke admiration, but it is not the only measure of someone's worth. People have various qualities and abilities that go beyond superficial characteristics, and these inner qualities are just as valuable and deserve just as much respect. Maybe even more.

You cannot really judge anyone based on appearance.

Appearance says nothing about someone's worth. A good appearance does not automatically mean a beautiful personality, a good character or intelligence. Likewise, someone who does not look good does not necessarily mean stupid, mean or unpleasant.

Also better not judge about clothes someone is wearing.

If you don't like the clothes someone is wearing, remember the following:
  • It can be a matter of taste
  • Not everyone has enough money to spend on clothing
  • Sometimes they do have a good taste (I know, it's discussable), but their size is simply not available.

Moreover, "good looking" is subjective.

What one person finds beautiful may not appeal to another at all. Make-up can change someone's appearance enormously, but that does not mean that someone without make-up is less valuable.

Nobody chooses his or her appearance.

Appearance, as in the original physical body, is what it is. Everyone must decide for themselves whether they want to change something about it, as far as that is possible. However, this involves costs and can have serious consequences. Think for example of leaking silicone after a breast enlargement, where the contents can spread in the body.

Natural beauty.

"True beauty is the kind of beauty that comes from inside." These words are so true. Prince also sang it in his song: "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World". Many people are naturally beautiful. They do not wear make-up and do not need it. Even than it's good to look further.

10 Things to notice instead of only the Looks:

Look at...

  1. Internal. While you can’t literally see inside, you can take the time to get to know someone before you make a judgment. It’s okay to not resonate with someone’s ideas, but don’t judge based on appearance. Everyone has unique opinions, and that doesn’t make anyone less valuable.
  2. Behavior and actions. This often says more than appearance. Pay attention to whether someone’s words and actions match. Someone who keeps their promises and treats others with respect is more worthy of trust.
  3. Empathy. How someone deals with the feelings of others says a lot about their character. People who are empathetic show understanding and compassion, and that makes them valuable.
  4. Integrity. People with integrity stick to their principles, even when it’s hard. They are honest and sincere, and their actions come from a deep-rooted sense of fairness.
  5. Humor. A good sense of humor can say a lot about someone’s intelligence and social skills. People who have humor can often put things into perspective and cheer others up.
  6. Passions and interests. What inspires and drives a person gives insight into their personality.
    It shows where their heart lies and what they value in life.
  7. Resilience. How a person handles setbacks and difficult situations reveals a lot about their inner strength and perseverance. Resilient people are able to adapt and persevere despite challenges.
  8. Love and caring. The way a person shows love to family, friends, and even strangers is a powerful indicator of their inner goodness.
  9. Creativity. How a person expresses creativity in their life, such as through art, ideas, or problem solving, can reveal a lot about their unique personality and thinking.
  10. The eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look deep into someone's eyes. Intuition often tells you whether you have a 'click' with that person. Some can even tell if someone is trustworthy.

Don't forget to look beyond your own appearance too

If you don’t like the way you look, don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s important to not only look beyond the appearance of others, but to also appreciate your own inner beauty. Don’t be limited by your outward appearance; your true power lies in your creativity, your empathy, your integrity, and all the other unique qualities you possess. By accepting and embracing yourself as you are, you can inspire others to look beyond superficial judgments and see the true value of a person.

With al this in mind, I created the design which is shown on top of this page.


About the creation of that design:

The contours of an upper body, with a symbolic veil to lift. A wedding dress goes with a veil, hence. Both so transparent that the 5 words inside are still (just) visible in CAPS:
  • ambition
  • tact (words, coming from the mouth)
  • inspiration
  • empathy (from the heart) and
  • imagination (in the brain).

All those words have different colors. The mouth, brain and heart are in one pink color. Left of the drawing the text "Look behind the Looks". The Looks as in: external appearance. The O's in the word "LOOK" both are an eye. The eyes look in the direction of the body.


It might seem a simple design, but I really thought this through.

Do you want to help spread the message that people look beyond appearance?

Then buy this T-shirt with this text on it. Or other products such as stickers and magnets. With this you help make more people aware.

Several products with this textdesign: "Look behind the Looks" can be purchased on Redbubble

Look behind the Looks design printed on products

Some of the available products are shown above:

How about a:

Look behind the Looks Hat

or a:

Look behind the Looks Pin

Why are not all products enabled?

I choose which products I think are good to spread this message. (Not on a shower curtain, nor a skirt or legging, or jigsaw puzzle and some other.) Stickers, notebooks, bags and most shirts for example are. On Redbubble the mugs and hardcover journals this image is twice.

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Screenshot Printed T-shirts from Crea Twinkles on TeePublic
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