Trick for multiplication in Ibis Paint X (A follow up on the previous tutorial)


Multiplied hearts examples

A previous tutorial discussed how to create a heart and multiply it in Ibis Paint.

This post contains a follow-up to that, including a video. In fact, it's a trick that's quite useful to know.

Why is it useful?

To save actions (and therefore time). And in my humble opinion, the omitted hearts make it look nicer.

What kind of trick then?

The image at the top of this post shows a difference. The left image contains many hearts.
To obtain not that 'wrong' result, but the 'right' one, a desired number of certain hearts can be erased one by one. That's one option.

Option two is more favorable. Before multiplying further, you only need to remove two hearts instead of all of them. That's what this tutorial is about.

The steps to do that

To erase (in this case the hearts):

     1. Open Ibis Paint
     2. Draw a heart and multiply it until there are four hearts (see previous tutorial)
     3. Select eraser
     4. Delete a heart at the top right
     5. Also delete a heart at the bottom left
     6. Two hearts remain: 1 at the bottom right and 1 at the top left. Multiply them (see previous
         tutorial) to create something like the result as shown in the image on top of this post.

Another method for erasing

  1. Instead of the eraser, choose the lasso.
  2. Select the area that needs to be deleted. In this case two hearts: the top right and the bottom left. By clicking next to one of them and drag around them both (the video below will clarify it)
  3. Click on the dotted square at the top right
  4. A small menu opens. Choose “Cut”
  5. Everything in the selected area will be deleted. However, the selection area still exists.
  6. Click on the dotted square again
  7. The small menu opens again. Choose “Delete selection area”.
  8. Then nothing is selected anymore.
  9. Multiplication as wished (see previous tutorial)

This video on YouTube shows the lasso erasing and the multiplication:

It is Dutch spoken, however subtitles in preferred language are available.

Video made with Clipchamp, voice: Colette.


Crea Twinkles YouTube-channel

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