Hearts with golden curls


Golden heart with curls on a black background printed on products

Basically this heart with curls was a drawing. I digitalised it, and made three versions.

The first version of this curly heart

First I turned the heart into gold and called it "Heart curly gold on black".
In the image above there are products showcased, with this design printed on them:


There's more with this golden heart with curls design on a black background

The second version of this heart

For the second version the heart and curls are still gold. This time I left the background transparent.
It's simply called "Heart gold curly".

Good thing about the transparent background: often many background colors are possible to choose at the webshops.

In the image below products with this second version printed on are shown:

Golden heart with curls with a transparent background printed on products



View these and some other products on


The third version of this heart

This time the heart is white in the centre and has - like the second version - a transparent background.
The design is called: "Heart white curly gold".

The image below shows this white heart with golden curls, printed on products:

White heart with golden curls printed on products

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